October 14, 2008

Jaen October 2008

In warm humid Jaen coffee buying the lungs breath fresh air not found in Lima. Ahhh . . . I'm here with a good friend Tim Dominick of Sacred Grounds. Days like today are the heart and soul of my coffee experiences.

This morning I had the privilege to interview three Micro-Lot (90 + cup quality) farmers who sell their coffee to Intelligentsia Coffee and Counter Culture. The entire visit was in the CENFROCAFE coffee shop over rosetta filled caps. This afternoon we'll be cupping the final round of Cafe Verde purchases, and tonight we'll finalize the 2009 Transparency Contract for Sacred Grounds. Tomorrow we head out for 2 days of farm visits, breathing in the green and eating Guinea Pig.

For sure these are the peak moments for specialty coffee buyers . . .

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